Pennington Organic Emerald Oak Lettuce Seeds

Pennington Organic Emerald Oak Lettuce Seeds yield brilliant green, oak-shaped leaves that form a tight rosette and have a wonderful, buttery texture and crunchy heart when mature. This spring/fall variety can also be used for baby leaf salads.

  • USDA Organic
  • Brilliant green, oak-shaped leaves form a tight rosette and have a beautiful, buttery texture and crunchy heart when mature
  • Can use for baby leaf salads
  • Spring/fall variety
  • Easy to grow
  • Safe for bees

  • Sunlight requirements: Full/Partial
  • Planting depth: 1/4"
  • Spacing: 8"
  • Plant height: 12-18'
  • Days to germination: 5-10
  • Days to harvest: 55
Sow directly in your garden as early as the soil can be made fine and loose. Plant seeds every 2 inches, covering firmly with soil. Thin plants to 8 inches apart when they are 2 inches tall.